Sunday, 4 October 2009

First impressions

Wow, it’s certainly a million miles from home. Whether it’s the shanty corrugated houses or the cute loaded donkeys casually crossing the street, you won’t see anything like it back in the UK. Addis Ababa itself is a very big, vibrant, bustling city, with so much going on, so many sounds, smells, sights and people. It really amazes you how hard people work, everyone is either carrying some kind of local produce e.g. firewood, vegetables, livestock or hopping on a bus to school or college. And so many have to walk so far in the morning, especially the farmer kids who live outside the city and have to walk a good 10-20km to get to school! But we’re not actually in Addis itself. You've already got an idea of our beautifully scenic location in the hills of Menagasha. We're very busy and are having a wonderful time with our patients and are getting to know our surroundings well.

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